Friday, November 7, 2008


Good God - how's this for a statistic.
The ONLY totally red state in the lower 48 - the ONLY state with ZERO blue counties is none other than your Tatami Pundit's home state of Oklahoma.

Check out this horrible, horrible, awful graphic and keep your eyes focused in the middle of the country...electoral info porn courtesy of the New York Times. Every state in the midsection of the country had at least a couple of pale blue counties.

AND - close up. Look up north...Kansas eked out a couple of blue counties and - Holy Lord - lookit Dallas county, Texas! Blue as the sky above! Now, lookit the wasteland in between. Aw Jeez, even Tulsa was solid red. Christ, this is embarrassing. Well, if anyone asks, I'll just disavow and say I'm from Los Angeles.

Bush Countdown Clock

Now that North Carolina has fallen in line and we can really be done with the Presidential race, it's now time to break out the Bush Countdown Clocks.

I went online expecting to find a few and inadvertently hit the digital motherlode. Here's a sampling...

Add this to your Facebook account:

Get a screensaver for your home machine:


A widget for your website or desktop:

HTML link for your website:

Oh, look! Another widget!

And another:

A Mac-specific widget (no, not that Mac! We mean the computer, not the Republican candidate!):

Good heavens! Widgets galore! Another!

For your iGoogle page, if ya got one:

You just aren’t gonna believe what I found here:

Didn’t I see this one somewhere?

Get your Bush on with this treasure trove of 33 widgets for the W In Chief: Well, at least 3 of them are relevant.

And one more!

Guess there are some folks who just can’t wait!

And, on the opposite side of the spectrum…

Obama Countdown to Presidency widget. It's the same thing, but with more hope:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The morning after

Just what the hell is it with North Carolina.
100% of precincts reporting and they still can't find a winner, although Obama leads by 22,000 votes?
Guys - it's over. Y'all ain't gonna be another Florida. Just call it for Mr. O be done with it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama, Japan

Reliable sources have it that the town of Obama, Japan (in Fukui prefecture, near the Sea of Japan), had a big support party for their namesake candidate. 150 townspeople joined in a party that has gone on for several hours, and will probably kick around for several more.

The Japan Times covered the event, as well as the BBC, Italian media, various bloggers ... and, ummm...who was that? CNN. Heard of them? No?


After watching an election that was just slightly less better than sex, the Tokyo Watch Party is slowing down.
Beer has been broken out and folks are in a very celebratory mood.

Funny thing - a huge percentage of American expatriates in Japan are Democrats or Democratic-sympathetic. I guess over the past two years, I have only heard one American over here actually say, "Bush is doing a great job," or "I support McCain".

There was 153 people packed into a cramped bar in central Tokyo today. An amazing turnout. No electric outlets ... I had to go next door to charge my laptop battery. A beautiful experience. It was wonderful!

Best Quote of the Day

From Mary Jo at the Tokyo watch party: "Oh, my God! We're going to have a smart man in the White House!"

Obama's Acceptance Speech

Yeah, I agree on the sacrifices given on part of Sen. McCain, but Gov. Palin? Not so much.

Obama Appears in Chicago

Good Lord, I'm gonna cry...

Waiting for Obama's Speech

According to CNN, crowds are gathering outside the White House.
No doubt with pitchforks and torches to forcefully and prematurely remove the present occupant.


You did the right thing.
For the first time in 8 years, I can tell people, with pride, that I am from the United States of America. I will be able to proudly represent this country to my host nation and to citizens of other countries.

Thank you from Japan.
Domo Arigato Gozaimashita.

McCain's concession speech, Part II

Can you just imagine the bickering that will go on behind the scenes in Phoenix?

"Goddammit, John, why didn't you do better on the campaign?"
"Shut your trap, Sarah. I wasn't the one who embarrassed myself on national TV!"



McCain's concession speech

Under the desert sky...

What is this racial crap?

"The failure is mine, not yours."
Well, Mac, not exactly. I would think Sarah Palin helped in that department.

"Grateful to Sarah Palin..."
Oh, please...pack up Caribou Barbie and send her back to the Great November Moose Hunt.


Jeez, what a time for my laptop battery to crap out. Epic timing.
Obama has won. All is right in the universe.
Our long national nightmare is over.

A quick breather

Wow - this has been a full-on morning! 11am and I am itching for a beer.
So far, the Dems have picked up two seats in the Senate and Minnesota is still in play.
Three states required for the Magic 270 for Obama. Crunch time, folks!

AND - the Tatami Pundit has to check out for about 30 minutes. Low Battery...damn.